Commission Portraits

Cherish the beloved creature in your life for all time with a unique commission portrait by artist J. Elizabeth Gyles Johnson.

Elizabeth has the talent to find that special personality of your pet and incorporate it into a portrait for you to enjoy for many years.  She is committed to artistic excellence and to your satisfaction.  Elizabeth welcomes requests for portraits of all kinds of creatures—in addition to dog and cat portraits, horses, rabbits, cows, sheep, and wild animals. These portraits are hand drawn and never digitally created.

To request a commissioned portrait, send an email using the contact link above with “portrait commission - [name of your pet]”. in the body, please include the following information:

  • A paragraph or two describing the special personality of the subject of the portrait. This will be incorporated into the expression in the portrait.

  • 6 or 7 high resolution photos at least 4x5 inches in original size and include at least 2 close ups of the face (especially the eyes). Photos taken at eye level in natural light are best!


helpful information

Timing It is good to plan four weeks for your portrait to be completed.  Sometimes portraits can be completed more quickly, depending on the artist’s schedule.  Don’t hesitate to ask if you are needing a rush job.  It may be workable.

Fee Plan to pay one-half of the portrait fee up front through Pay-pal.  You will be sent a photo of the portrait via email when it is almost complete for your approval.  Upon completion of the portrait, you will send the balance of the cost of the portrait via Pay-pal.  Your portrait will then be shipped to you through Federal Express. A small shipping charge will be added to your total.  If you are a local customer, hand delivery can be arranged.  

Framing I do not frame the portraits so that you may choose a design that fits the personality of your own home.
Copyright J Elizabeth Gyles Johnson reserves all copyright privileges for her art.  You may not reproduce the portrait you purchase for any reason. If you wish to have extra prints, you may order them from the artist.

Questions If you have questions, please email Elizabeth using the link at the top of this page.

The watermark shown here will not be on your portrait.

Animal Portrait Prices

size                                    medium                           price
8 x 10                        graphite/charcoal                    $250.00
8 x 10                        colored pencil                         $320.00
8 x 10                  acrylic on panel            $400.00  

11 x 14                        graphite/charcoal                    $295.00
11 x 14                        colored pencil                         $342.00
11 x 14                  acrylic on panel            $560.00  

16 x 20                acrylic gouache on panel            $950.00

50% Additional fee for a second subject

Full body portraits:
Add an additional $100.00 for graphite/charcoal
                              $150.00 for colored pencils
                              $225 for acrylic gouache

Extra Prints
First Print:      *8 x 10               $45.00   (additional prints $25.00)
                     * 11 x 14               $55.00 (additional prints $30.00)




Hi, we just received Sophee's portrait.  It brought tears to both our eyes.  Thank-you very much.  Your attention to detail is truly appreciated. 
                                          ---Angie & Dj

My husband just loved Domino's portrait!  Thank you so much for your wonderful work!               

I am a lucky and proud owner of an original graphite and charcoal portrait by Elizabeth. The character and charisma of our Sierra- her true essence- smiles back at us through Elizabeth's fine work. She was such a joy through the entire process, as well.

Thank you so much, Elizabeth! Your artistic talent is such a blessing!